Rounded corner in Internet Explorer (no image)
It is generally agreed among we who are web developers that Internet Explorer is dead. But unfortunately, the last time I checked about 15% of visitors to this blog still use this browser. It doesn’t support CSS3 and HTML5 which all other major browsers support. Good news today, there is a tweak that enables you to use CSS3 functionality in dead versions of Internet Explorer. It’s a lot easier to use this tweak than to drive Microsoft out of the market. You can now make rounded corner in IE.VIEW SNAPSHOT:
This tutorial requires you to dpwnload a .htc file (about 4kb) from either:
You can use any of the files above to specify the behavior attribute for Internet Explorer browser. You either add path to or add path to in behavior URL.
curvy corner code
<title>ROUNDED CORNER ON IE – By Ohwofosirai Desmond</title>
<style type="text/css">
#curve {
Height:150px; background-color:#edeff4;
Width: 200px; float:left;
border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
-moz-border-radius: 15px;
border-radius: 15px; margin:1em;
-webkit-border-radius: 15px;
/* For Internet Explorer */
behavior: url(;
<div id="curve">
<br/><br/> My name is <em>Internet Explorer</em>. Don't ask why i am <em>round</em>
Leave a comment if this is nice.
KEYWORDS: Round Corner in Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer Round Edges, Curvy Corner in Internet Explorer